Do you accept insurance?

Unfortunately, at this time in my private practice I do not accept insurance. Once a month, I can provide patients a basic super bill upon request. You can then submit it directly to your provider, and depending on their policy you may receive partial reimbursement directly.  Please make sure to communicate clearly with your insurance company to avoid any disputes or confusion.

If I am a new patient inquiring about booking an appointment when will I get a response back?

If you are inquiring about becoming a new patient, please note that I spend the majority of my work days in the clinic away from the computer focused on treatment. It might take me a week or so to respond to new patient inquiries. I appreciate your patience.

Why don’t I see times on the calendar?

The majority of my appointments typically book out on a monthly basis, prioritizing patients who see me on a regular basis, whether that be weekly, bi monthly or once a month. I always suggest that if there is a day that you are interested in, please add yourself to the waitlist via my booking system, Jane. In my experience, people's schedules change for various reasons and last minute sessions do become available. If you are on the waitlist, you will be contacted for an appointment.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please notify me by e-mail 48 hours in advance if you cannot make your scheduled time. You can simply cancel your appointment in my booking system Jane if it is prior to 48 hours notice or contact me by email at Upon failure to do so, the full cost of the appointment will be charged. Thank you for your understanding.

How should I prepare for my appointment? Is there anything I need to do?

I always recommend that patients make sure they have eaten before our session. This helps to keep blood sugar levels regulated, as acupuncture can be moving and it helps prevent the patient from feeling light headed or weak afterwards. If it is your first time receiving acupuncture, I recommend not to have anything too strenuous planned after treatment- to take it easy, hydrate and also eat a nice, warm and nourishing meal.   

Should I come in for my session if I'm not feeling well but it's not COVID?

No. If you are feeling under the weather in anyway that is "flu like" ( fever, sore throat, achy) please contact me and we can reschedule. Many of my patients are immunocompromised and it is best to resume treatment when you are feeling better. Due to the nature of COVID, it is best to play it safe. 


I myself am fully vaccinated (and boosted). I am taking as many precautions as possible to protect my patients and myself.

  • If you have experienced any symptoms associated with Covid-19 which can include having a fever exceeding 100.4F, dry or productive cough, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, and shortness of breath or if you have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for the virus in the 14 days before your appointment please notify us.

  • Please come in wearing your mask – if you do not have one, we will provide one for you. We ask that all patients wear masks. Practitioners will be wearing a mask as well.

  • Each of the treatment rooms has its own HEPA air filter. There are alcohol-based hand sanitizing stations throughout the office and in each of the rooms. All high touch surfaces like doorknobs and faucets will be cleaned before opening the office, between patients, and every two hours with Covid-19 killing disinfectants and at the end of the day.

  • Social distancing is impossible for the nature of the work that we do, but it feels prudent to us that we limit the amount of time that we share space in the treatment room. Accordingly, the intake and consultation may be shorter than we would typically do, while length of time that needles are in will remain the same.